Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Crossed by Ally Condie

Crossed (Matched, Bk. 2)
Author- Ally Condie
Published- November 1st, 2011
Dutton Juvenile
367 pages
Obtained from the library

Rules Are Different Outside The Society

Chasing down an uncertain future, Cassia makes her way to the Outer Provinces in pursuit of Ky--taken by the Society to his sure death--only to find that he has escaped into the majestic, but treacherous, canyons. On this wild frontier are glimmers of a different life and the enthralling promise of a rebellion. But even as Cassia sacrifices every thing to reunite with Ky, ingenious surprises from Xander may change the game once again.
Narrated from both Cassia's and Ky's point of view, this hotly anticipated sequel to Matched will take them both to the edge of Society, where nothing is as expected and crosses and double crosses make their path more twisted than ever.-- Goodreads

This book is the second in a trilogy. There may be spoilers, so keep that in mind if you have not yet read Matched.

I am happy to report that I really enjoyed this book. After the Debbie Downer I read earlier this week, I really needed a pick-me-up. This book provided just that!

I am really happy that they decided to continue with the neat covers. I loved the cover of Matched. The concept of the bubble and it's relationship with the Society was a great idea. I love how for Crossed they had Cassia breaking out of the bubble as a symbol of going against the society. Simple yet concise, plus I love the colors!

I really loved the fact that this book brought a more rugged element. In Matched, the world felt more controlled and nothing adventurous ever seemed to happen. In Crossed there were lots of killings, mountain climbing, break ins and rescues. It was a lot more my style than the typical sappy love story.

I liked Cassia a lot in this book. In Matched, she was so reserved and never really went against the grain. In Crossed she is a lot rougher and tougher. She is a determined individual and she definitely grew as a person while out on her own. Ky was a little less like able, to me anyway. I felt like I was playing emotional tug-of-war. One minute I was swooning over his romantic qualities. The next minute he showed a jerky side and completely ruined my happy romantic thoughts. All around he was one frustrating dude.

Spoiler (highlight to read) now there's a love square. This may become interesting folks. I hope Cassia dumps Ky and ends up with Xander. Just my personal opinion :)

Overall, Crossed was a good read. Plenty of action and a touch of romance. I was frustrated with Ky, but I can't wait to see how this all ties up in the next book.

I will be giving Crossed 4 stars!

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